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Teachers and Schools needing guidance

For teachers, administrators, or school professional needing guidance

  • 1 hour
  • Price Varies
  • Agreed Upon Location

Service Description

This package is for teachers, school administrators, or any school employee who has questions or needs guidance about any number of situations. Maybe the child has threatened violence against the staff or fellow students. Maybe there's a concern of child abuse or neglect, and calling CPS directly might raise additional concerns, because things are complicated. Or, there's an issue regarding bullying or teasing. Or, there's a child showing sings he/she may harm themselves or others. Or, there are concerns of Substance Abuse, Mental Helath, or Domestic Violence in the child's home or regarding the child. Or, anything else that might come up. Also, depending on the situation, if you need information about finding the right lawyer, I'll be happy to help, or make a referral. Price Varies and is usually based on a $200/hr rate.

Contact Details


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